Collaboration tools and knowledge management
Microsoft Office 365 is a set of cloud hosted services that enables users convenient access to email, calendars, document sharing, instant messaging and web conferencing.

The Office 365 suite includes:
• Microsoft Exchange for email and calendars
• Microsoft SharePoint for portals and document sharing
• Microsoft Lync communication services that connects people in new ways, from virtually
Key benefits of Office 365:
• Anywhere, anytime access to email, important documents, contacts and calendars on
almost any device with an internet connection
• Works seamlessly with programs most users are familiar with including
Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Secure and reliable, including 99.9 per cent uptime and strict security standards
• Allows users to work online or offline via Office desktops applications
• Reduces the burden of both upfront and ongoing IT infrastructure costs
• Removes the hassle of complicated remote access processes
• Office 365 is hosted by Microsoft Online Services in the cloud.

Dataspot Technologies Limited can work with your organization to determine what is best for your circumstances. We will deploy Office 365 quickly and easily, assist with data migration, organize training and provide the support you need to make the most out of this convenient and powerful email, messaging and collaboration tool.

Get Office 365 for your organization
An Office 365 readiness assessment will provide you with the confidence to proceed with migrating to the cloud. Your report will cover the entire migration process, including technical prerequisites, a detailed quote with costings for DSTL to migrate your organization to the cloud and help setting up your computers, laptops and mobiles. Dataspot Technologies will identify further steps to improve the value of Microsoft Office 365 within your organization.