SSL Certificate Encryption & Authentication

Our SSL certificates provide the strongest encryption available, using 2048-bit and SHA-2, and are available in a variety of options designed to meet your needs

The more your customers trust you, the more they buy from you. Dataspot Technologies is a registered Digicert partner who provide the best identity assurance in the industry, so visitors to your website will know who they are doing business with.

Standard SSLExtended Validation (EV)Unified CommunicationsEV Multi-domainWildcard
Single-name SSL Certificates provide encryption and authentication for one domain. Our SSL Certificates have all the features you expect from an SSL Certificate (like strong encryption and browser trust) as well as a few things you won't get anywhere else—like unlimited reissues and an unlimited server license. These certificates also support alternative Names, meaning that a certificate for will also work with Hence the name SSL Plus. Extended validation (EV) certificates use the highest level of authentication and were specifically created to boost and maintain customer confidence in ecommerce through a rigorous verification process and specific, EV certificate-only browser cues like the green address bar. EV certificates incorporate some of the highest standards for identity assurance to establish the legitimacy of online entities. We put applicant websites through rigorous evaluation procedures and meticulous documentation checks to confirm their authenticity and ownership. Unified Communications (UC) Certificates (also called SAN Certificates) use Subject Alternative Names to secure multiple sites (e.g. fully qualified domain names) with one certificate. Four SANs are included in the base price of the UC Certificate, but you can purchase additional names at any time during the lifetime of the certificate.

With a UC Certificate, you can secure:
Extended Validation (EV) Multi-Domain Certificates give you the flexibility of a Unified Communications (UC) Certificate with the green-bar assurance of Extended Validation. EV Multi-Domain Certificates use Subject Alternative Names to secure multiple sites (e.g. fully qualified domain names) with one certificate. Three SANs are included in the base price of the EV Multi-Domain Certificate. However, you can buy additional names at any time as long as the certificate is valid.

With an EV Multi-Domain Certificate, you can secure:
Wildcard Certificates use Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to secure a domain and all of its first-level subdomains. For example, a certificate for * secures,, etc. A standard SSL Certificate would only secure, requiring you to purchase an additional certificate for And every Wildcard Certificate comes with an unlimited server license, so you only pay once—whether you have one server or one hundred.

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Whether you need to secure one or many domains, one or multiple servers, we offer a full line of SSL Certificate products to meet your needs.